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Remote Desktop Services Windows Server 2016

Remote Desktop Services Windows Server 2016

Cena: $29.99

Czy chciałbyś learn everything about Remote Desktop Services Sessions and Apps in Windows Server 2016?

You are in the Right Place!

Krótki opis:

This course covers the new Remote Desktop infrastructure introduced in Windows Server 2016. The new installation procedure is covered in-depth, along with the redesigned role of the Remote Desktop Connection Broker. We will go through the purpose and installation of the Remote Desktop Gateway, how to create and manage Collections along with Session properties, and configuring the Remote Desktop Client. The series also includes complete coverage of the Remote Desktop Web Access role including how to customize the web page. Także, we will go over Deploying RDS Role on Microsoft Azure cloud in a dedicated Section.


You can check other students who know how much I am active in answering any question, not only related to the course but also I provide free help in any computer science topic on my website, you can find this in the bonus section of the course. So don’t worry about anything you may feel unclear, I will be with you almost 24/7 pomóc Ci.

My Promise to You

I’ll be here for you in every step. If you have any questions about the course content or anything related to this topic or any other topic, you can always put a question in the course or send me a direct message. and I will be here with you to help.

I want to make this the best course about Remote Desktop Services. So if there is any way I can improve this course, just tell me and I’ll we be happy to hear and I will make it happen.

With the 30-day 100% zasoby do pobrania itp., there is nothing holding you back from jumping in right now and trying the course out.

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Twórz usługi i używaj ich do wykonywania połączeń GET i POST?

  • Basic Knowledge about AD Domain services and how to work with Active Directory.

  • Basic Knowledge about SSL certificates.

  • Windows PC for implementing Labs.

  • Internet Connection.

  • Very Basic Knowledge about Microsoft Azure.

  • Comfortable in working with Windows server systems.

Jaka jest grupa docelowa?

  • Windows Server admins who would like to learn about the Remote Desktop Services Role.

  • IT professionals who would like to explore and learn about the Remote Desktop Services Role.

  • Anyone willing to understand and work with Remote Desktop Services.

Co dostanę z tego kursu?

  • Understand what is RDS Role in Windows Server and how to work with it.

  • Install RDS in both Quickstart and Standard deployments methods.

  • Understand MultiPoint Services and Learn how to install and configure.

  • Understand all the roles and components of RDS.

  • Deploy RDS on the Microsoft Azure cloud.

  • Get Monthly Updates (New lectures) about RDS.

  • Get Premium Support.


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