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Uruchom witrynę członkowską za pomocą WordPress: Szkolenie wstępne

Uruchom witrynę członkowską za pomocą WordPress: Szkolenie wstępne

Cena: $39.99

Uruchom witrynę członkowską za pomocą WordPress: Szkolenie wstępne

Now you can break free

Brand New Over-The-Shoulder Video Series On How To Build Continuity Income With Wishlist Member.

Having a membership site where your members can access digital content is the ultimate form of passive income.

Every member is charged monthly for access to your content. They will continue to be a member as long as you offer them something of value for their money.

This is a business model that has worked since day one of the internet.

Dziś, it’s much easier to own and operate a membership site. It is thanks to WishList, and that’s what we’re going to talk about right here.

Uruchom witrynę członkowską za pomocą WordPress

WishList makes it super simple for you to operate a membership site using WordPress.

You’re not going to have to install a complicated content management system that will make you pull out your hair.

Everything runs smoothly right from WordPress, and it only involves you using a plugin.

WishList makes so easy to run your own membership site and make money from it.

The Secret Is In The Rebills

Want to know what the secret sauce is when it comes to operating a membership site? It’s all about the rebills.

Each month your member will be billed for access to the site. This is money in your pocket.

They will continue to be rebilled every month for as long as they remain a member.

Your customers will keep their membership as long as you’re able to offer them something of value. As long as you do, there will be money in your pocket.

WishList Is Loaded With Features

Everything you need to run a membership site is right here. It can seem confusing at first.

All those features can take some time to learn how to use. How do you know if you’re making the most out of them?

You’re not going to know at first.

There are seasoned WishList users who are missing out on features that could improve their member’s experiences.

You’ve got to continually be on the ball to make the most out of a site like WishList.

You could use it every day for a year and still not learn everything that it has to offer.


Build Continuity With WishList Member

Seeing WishList In Action Is A Game Changer

You can read tutorials until your eyes hurt. Seeing someone do it is a whole different ball game.

It’s far more easy to learn something by watching someone else do it. You can do just that by watching our over the shoulder videos of experts using WishList.

You’ll quickly learn all the tips and tricks of running a membership site. You may be someone who uses WishList every day, and it’s still possible to learn while watching our videos.

You can’t possibly learn everything there is to know on your own. Those who believe they can are going to miss out on key features that will help retain and grow their membership base.

Get The Most Out Of WishList

Taking advantage of all the features that WishList has to offer will improve your membership site by leaps and bounds.

The way you do that is by watching our video series. You’ll gain insightful information that can be put into action.

Everything you see in our videos has real-world uses, and they will help you maintain and grow the number of members your site has.

Sign up for this training today and make your future as bright as it possibly can be.

Uruchom witrynę członkowską za pomocą WordPress: Szkolenie wstępne

See the course subjects below:

1 – Gromadzenie i zarządzanie spisem sprzętu i oprogramowania komputerów klienckich MICROSOFT ENDPOINT MANAGER

2 – Pricing and Purchase

3 – WordPress Installation

4 – Wishlist Member Installation

5 – Powered By Wishlist Member Affiliate Program

6 – IntegrationsPayment Gateway

7 – Should I Integrate PayPal

8 – Integrations With JVZoo

9 – IntegrationsE-Mail Providers

10 – Integrations – Zapier

11 – Setting Up Levels

12 – Setting Up Levels – Część 2

13 – Configuring Error Messages

14 – Other Administration Settings

15 – File Protection

16 – Folder Protection

17 – Protected Pages

18 – Payment and E-Mail Connection

19 – Testing Logins and Redirects

20 – Wniosek – Page Access for Members Only


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