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Nauka szczęścia – ten 30 Days Happiness Program

Nauka szczęścia – ten 30 Days Happiness Program

Cena: $94.99

“Happiness is not something ready-made. It comes from your own actions.”Dalai Lama

Take your happiness in your own hands

  • learn about the myths of happiness
  • induce your life with positive emotions
  • use self-compassion and kindness to relate to your life in a new way
  • start finding happiness in the present moment
  • wiele więcej

Get 30-day happiness program that leads you through a science-based process towards a happier life

Psychologists and neuroscientists from all over the world have been researching happiness for decades. Thousands of experiments, case studies, analyses and rigorous research studies have been conducted to provide insights into what really makes our lives good and how people can live more happily. Ten 30 Days of Happiness program is based on this research and translates it into easily understandable steps that you can take to live a happier and more fulfilled life.

While many happiness programs provide only advice and anecdotes, ten 30 Days of Happiness program will equip you with proven exercises and background information. Many scientific studies have been done to show that they work and have the potential to really transform your life for the better.

Jeszcze jedna rzecz: Masz totally unconditional money back guarantee. Pozwala studiować kurs przez 30 dni i jeśli jesteś z tego w jakikolwiek sposób niezadowolony, otrzymasz pełny zwrot pieniędzy, utrudnisz uczenie się, a nie zapamiętywanie! Zapisanie się na kurs jest całkowicie wolne od ryzyka.

Kliknij “to nie ma powodu, dla którego nie mógłbyś już dziś zacząć Uwalniać się od tego czasochłonnego nałogu” button now and enroll in the 30 Days of Happiness program!


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