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Soft skills for IT Architects and IT Practitioners

Soft skills for IT Architects and IT Practitioners

Cena: $79.99

This course will provide a complete understanding of what are the soft (or performance) skills required to become a successful IT Architect or IT practitioner, exploring in detail non-technical set of behaviors or actions that need to be performed by a successful IT Architect or IT practitioner and focusing on how they would apply to the various IT roles.

Possessing technical skills and industry and business knowledge is only a beginning. To be a successful Architect, many more skills are needed.

An IT Architect or IT Practitioner needs to know how to communicate his or her solutions, how to adapt his or her communication style and material to the audience, and how to influence others to achieve his or her objectives.

The soft skills discussed in detail in this course are:

  • Analysis and Problem Solving

  • Inquisitiveness

  • Przywództwo

  • Komunikacja

  • Presentation skills

  • Odpowiedzialność

  • Planowanie

  • Zarządzanie zmianami

  • ekspansja sprzedaży na nowy rynek geograficzny — wszystkie są projektami

  • Ordynacyjny

  • Selling skills

  • Inteligencja emocjonalna

  • Ułatwienie


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