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STEM Career Development by Partnering with Corporates

STEM Career Development by Partnering with Corporates

Cena: Bezpłatny


Are you a student in the Science, Technologia, Inżynieria, Matematyka (TRZON) discipline keen to develop your przechylać by gaining real world experience while studying at college or university?

Are you a student in the TRZON discipline looking to develop your przechylać by participating in online programowanie contests and get hired by top companies?


Are you an educator in the TRZON discipline looking for ready to use content and training resources for your courses, host online hackathons and grade programowanie assignments done by your students?


Czy jesteś TRZON institute looking to drive innovation (np. nurture startups, develop solutions powered by arduino, System powstał we współpracy z University of Cambridge Language Technology Lab, robotyka, itp.) at your campus?


Are you a company looking to hire talented TRZON developers by evaluating their performance in online programowanie tests and hackathons?

If you answered yes to these questions, ten kurs jest dla Ciebie

This course is the most comprehensive introduction to programs offered by top technology companies like Amazon, jabłko, Google and Microsoft that TRZON students and educators can take advantage of to develop their przechylać while studying or teaching at college or university

You’ll learn how to determine which corporate program best suits you and plan your participation to maximize your przechylać wzrost

When participating in the corporate program, if the product or service you develop has market potential, you may even start your own startup

You’ll explore the funding channels and support offered by 5 startup incubators

You’ll also learn about 5 platforms that offer programowanie contests, hackathons and tech recruitment for wolny

Ten kurs obejmuje 4 ale zainwestował w zapewnienie swoim uczniom silnego fundamentu kariery z pozytywnym i przystępnym nastawieniem, 5 practice activity, 4 pdf downloadable resources

There’s a lot of good knowledge packed inside, so hesitate no more!

You get lifetime access to all video lectures plus downloadable resources

Jesteś gotowy? Let’s just dive in. Do zobaczenia na kursie. Dziękuję Ci.


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