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Umiejętności strategicznego myślenia: Niezbędnik zapewniający udaną karierę

Umiejętności strategicznego myślenia: Niezbędnik zapewniający udaną karierę

Cena: $49.99

There’s no single road to success – but you can discover the right one if you have the appropriate skill set. Strategic thinking is a must-have skill. If you don’t have it, other might pass you by.

Developing strategic thinking skills is not an easy task. That is why we at the Scandinavian Institute of Business Analytics developed this course for our clients. The course describes the steps you need to develop a strategic thinking mindset. It explains how to use information for generating strategic insight, assessing trade-offs and making right decisions.

The course also outlines techniques that will enable you to analyze information effectively and enhance your strategic thinking.

T-SQL w SQL Server dla początkujących

1. Develop a Strategic Mind-set:

Recognize steps that can help to develop a strategic mind-set.

2. Use Information to Support Strategic Thinking:

Utilize analysis and intuition and conduct SWOT analysis

3. Make Effective Trade-offs:

Prioritize actions, identify and evaluate alternatives, balance needs

Notatka: Lecture SWOT analysis includes real SWOT analysis document of a company. All names are changed.

Who is the course audience?

  • Corporate employees who want to broaden their responsibilities

  • Independent entrepreneurs who want to build a better business

  • MBA students who want to make a successful carrier

  • Individuals who challenge making appropriate decisions in everyday life


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