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Unleash your Powers with Emotional Intelligence

Unleash your Powers with Emotional Intelligence

Cena: $79.99

This course is going to teach you the 4 pillars of Emotional Intelligence. If you want to unleash your powers and live up to your fullest potentials privately and professionally than this course is the right one for you. Ważny: You have to be willing to put in the work! Emotional Intelligence is a life long process. You will get better and better but there will always be space to improve for the rest of your life. A high level of emotional intelligence doesn`t mean, that you will never get annoyed, sad or triggered again or feeling bad, but it will help you to get out of it much faster than without emotional intelligence. ten 4 pillars are: 1. Samoświadomość 2. Samozarządzanie 3. Social-Awareness 4. Relationship-Management. This course includes Worksheets, Quizes and Handouts for you.

Enjoy and make the most out of it!

Music credits:

Good For You by THBD


SappheirosDawnis under a Creative Commons license (CC BY 3.0) Music promoted by BreakingCopyright


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