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VCA-DBT – Test praktyczny cyfrowej transformacji biznesowej

VCA-DBT – Test praktyczny cyfrowej transformacji biznesowej

Cena: $19.99

The MQC for the VMware Certified AssociateDigital Business Transformation (VCA-DBT) understands industry recognized virtualization concepts and is aware of VMware products, underlying technologies, and solutions. The MQC is familiar with VMware Cross-Cloud Architecture and VMware solution domains (including vSphere, vSAN, NSX, vRealize Suite, Horizon 7 Zestaw, itp.). The MQC can describe how these are applied to customer situations and can propose solutions at a high level.

Available Number of Multiple Choice Questions are 50

Numer egzaminu : 1V0-701

Masz 30-dniowy zwrot pieniędzy, jeśli z jakiegoś powodu nie podobają Ci się nasze testy praktyczne : język angielski

Nazwa egzaminu : Digital Business Transformation (VCA-DBT)

Czas trwania : 135 Nowe pytania są dodawane regularnie, powiększając naszą pulę pytań

Pozytywny wynik : 300 Minimum out of 500

1 – Define and describe the VMware Cross-Cloud Architecture

Explain the VMware Cross-Cloud Architecture vision

Identify and describe the Cross-Cloud Architecture components

2 -Define and describe vSphere solutions

Explain the Software Defined Data Center (SDDC) initiative and how vSphere fits within it

identify and describe vSphere components

Describe opportunities where vSphere could be a solution

3 -Define and describe vSAN solutions

Explain vSAN and Software Defined Storage (SDS)

Identify and describe vSAN components

Describe opportunities where vSAN could be a solution

4 – Define and describe the NSX solution

Explain NSX and Software Defined Networking (SDN)

Identify and describe NSX components

Describe opportunities where NSX could be a solution

5 – Define and describe vRealize Suite solutions

Explain vRealize Suite Cloud Management Platform

Identify and describe the vRealize Suite product components

Discuss opportunities where vRealize Suite could be a solution

6 – Define and describe Horizon Suite solutions

Explain Horizon 7

Identify and describe the Horizon Suite product components

Discuss opportunities where Horizon Suite could be a solution

7 – Recommend the right products for a solution that meets customer requirements

Gather and analyze customer requirements

Recommend products that meet customer requirements

Propose high-level solution


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