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Okna 10 dla początkujących

Okna 10 dla początkujących

Cena: $19.99

Everyone is talking about Windows 10 because with Windows 10 Microsoft published a solid operating system which works and has several features on board which will help you to work fluently.

Jednakże, before you can use these great features in your Windows 10 you need to learn a bit more about the operating system.

In this course I’ll walk you through all the little things you need to know to start working with Windows 10 – from modifying the startmenu to creating documents and folders. But you’ll also learn some more advanced things just like changing your folder icon and closing crashed apps without restarting your Computer.

if you are not 100% familiar with Windows 10 ten kurs jest dla Ciebie. I’ll walk you in small steps through all the most important things you need to learn for your daily workflow.


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