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1 Transformacja życiorysu dziennego. Zwycięskie CV za projekt 24 Nowe pytania są dodawane regularnie, powiększając naszą pulę pytań

1 Transformacja życiorysu dziennego. Zwycięskie CV za projekt 24 Nowe pytania są dodawane regularnie, powiększając naszą pulę pytań

Cena: $79.99

Wreszcie, a PROVEN HANDS ON program that shows you how to transform your existing Resume into a Winning TOP 1% Resume and get Interview calls from Hiring Managers.

Odkryj power principles that helped me and more than 500 professionals in securing their dream jobs with global companies. Learn the behind the scene truth that Hiring Managers know and methods TOP PERFORMERS follow to get Interview calls.

These power principles have been tested with professionals who had lesser experience, had employment gaps and had less or unworthy accomplishments. The principles worked and helped in increasing the Interview conversion rate.

I will show you a step wise approach to transform your resume into an Interview magnet.

We all know the feeling of sending our resumes to a companyexcited to tell them why we’re perfect for the jobthen waiting, and waitingand never hearing back. Then doing it over, i ponad, i ponad. Wondering if they even got the resume. Waking up early and clicking “Dowiedz się, jak pracować z Pythonem” in our inboxthen sighing.

Dziś, I will share with you exactly how to transform a resume into something Hiring Managers love to read. Ale najpierw, I’ve been on both sides of the hiring tableas a candidate and as a hiring manager.

And here’s something most hiring managers won’t tell you:

Your resume gets 10 sekundy.

All your workall your skillsall your talents and personalityall your years of effortthey all earn you 10 sekundy of a hiring manager’s time when they look at your resume.

Także, w więcej niż 60% of companies, a software decides whether your Resume will be shown to the Hiring Manager or not. I will show you the methods that can be quickly adapted to ensure your resume rises “automatycznie” to the top of search results for relevant keywords.

I’m going to show you exactly how to turn your resume into an extraordinaryticketto an interview.

Szczyt 3 mistakes we all make in resumes:




I am going to show you how NOT to make these 3 mistakes and use right scripts, credibility triggers and action words that will give a full snapshot of your accomplishments to the Hiring Managers.

You will learn proven methods to make your experience shine and relevant with the help of PORTABLE SKILLs principle. The tactics mentioned and taught in this program are completely ethical and are loved by Hiring managers.

Co otrzymasz?

  • Full presentation of my best insights on writing winning resumes

  • Power principles to transform your resume

  • Before-and-after case studieswith actual resume taken from online Job portal

  • Career Briefcase Worksheet to take control of your career

  • Simple and Effective Framework to Create Your Work Experience Stories

  • Bezpłatny 10+ resume templateseasy to customize


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