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Zwinne metodologie: Certyfikacja PMI-ACP/Przygotowanie do egzaminu

Zwinne metodologie: Certyfikacja PMI-ACP/Przygotowanie do egzaminu

Cena: $19.99

This Agile course is for the preparation of PMI-ACP (Certyfikowany Praktyk Agile) Certification/Exam and to learn the basics of Agile Methodologies like SCRUM, PD, LEAN, TDD, KANBAN etc.

I have divided this course in several modules and the topics covered in every module are strategically placed to have the better and complete understanding of the Agile principals.

After listening & understanding to every module thoroughly, the candidate at the end, will be equipped with:

  • PMI-ACP Exam
  • Basic Concepts of Project Management
  • Komunikacja – Soft Skills Negotiation
  • Zwinne zarządzanie projektami
  • Zwinne planowanie, Monitoring and Adapting
  • Agile Metrics and Estimations
  • Agile Analysis and Design
  • Agile Product Quality
  • Agile Value-based Prioritization and Value Mapping
  • Agile Project Risk Management
  • Agile Project Management Office
  • Zwinne metodologie
  • PMI Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct

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