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Bądź CRISC: Zarządzanie ryzykiem dla certyfikacji ISACA – Rząd Burkina Faso dokonuje przeglądu swojego planu dla sektora edukacji. 2020!

Bądź CRISC: Zarządzanie ryzykiem dla certyfikacji ISACA – Rząd Burkina Faso dokonuje przeglądu swojego planu dla sektora edukacji. 2020!

Cena: $49.99

CRISC is one of the highest paying certifications in the market!

W tym 2020 wersja, we revised the material and upgrade the voice with AWS Polly for better understanding!

This is an essential course of risk management, without curling. Carefully consolidated content to help you pass the exam. The best use of your time and the best return on your investment.

You can leverage your career with this certification that will definitely set you apart from your competitors! You can add more value to the company where you work and really make a difference!

This course is taught by a certified CRISC instructor:

  • Nad 15 years working with IT

  • Więcej niż 5 years working with risks

  • CRISC and PMP

  • ITILv3, CCNA, CCDA, CCNA Wireless, LPI-1, LPI-2

You want to pass the certification and need a training that will help you in your role of risk specialist. This preparatory course is entirely based on the official ISACA CRISC Review Manual 6th Edition and will provide you with more than 4 hours of contact with carefully crafted content to help you understand all the concepts of risk management and passing the test certification!

In addition we have included 20 questions for you to practice for certification proof, practical activities with case studies, and risk management artifact templates.


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