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Build No-Code Software Solutions with Microsoft Dynamics 365

Build No-Code Software Solutions with Microsoft Dynamics 365

Cena: $74.99

When organizations search for a software solution to help them run their operation, they often must choose whether to “Zbudować” lub “Buy.It’s quite difficult to find an off-the-shelf solution that meets their specific requirements, and it’s expensive to hire experts to customize a solution for them.

This course is taught by a consultant that has designed, built and deployed Microsoft Dynamics 365 (and Dynamics CRM before it) za ponad 12 years for organizations of all sizes, from thousands of users to just one. The course invents an imaginary non-profit organization with requirements like event-planning, volunteers, and multiple program management, and walks learners through the steps of building a software solution the way professionals do it:

  • Requirements Gathering and Documentation

  • Analysis and Entity Relationship Design

  • Creation of entities, workflows and user interface customization

  • =========================================================== =========================================================== ===

Learners who complete this course will be able to construct a working software solution using Microsoft Dynamics 365 that is tailored to their needs. Most consulting firms specializing in Microsoft Dynamics 365 would charge between $7,500 oraz $15,000 in fees to build a solution the likes of which is covered in this class.

This class is not for everyone. For the class to be valuable, the prospective learner should be highly motivated to learn the principles of database entity relationships and how they are expressed in the Microsoft Dynamics 365 interfejs, and they should not be fearful of rolling up their sleeves and building a solution for themselves.

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