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Zachowania dzieci dla rodziców i opiekunów

Zachowania dzieci dla rodziców i opiekunów

Cena: $19.99

Do you ever wish there was a science to this parenting thing? Well you’re in luck, because there jest a Science of Human Behavior that can guide your parenting decisions. Raising children is not easy, but with a Board Certified Behavior Analyst as your instructor, you can be sure you will leave this class with the knowledge and skills to parent with confidence!

The key to avoiding problem behavior is to give the child another way to meet their needs. W tym kursie, you will learn how to determine why a child might engage in problem behavior, and what you can do to help them feel better by meeting those needs in a more positive way.

You will spend the first portion of the course gaining an understanding of the four functions of behavior. You will learn how to identify the causes of your child’s problem behavior.

Następny, we will explore each of those functions, and what you as a caregiver can do to prevent most problem behaviors, and what to do on those increasingly rare occasions that they crop up anyway.

We hope you join us, so you can enjoy fewer moments of frustration and uncertainty, and more peaceful, pleasant moments with your child.

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