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Komunikacja & Better Relationships: How to be Likeable

Komunikacja & Better Relationships: How to be Likeable

Cena: $39.99

This video course will teach you how to be the best and most likeable you! W tym kursie, you’ll learn the secrets of the most charismatic people; the people who light up a room when they walk into it. The people who everyone likes and wants to be around. You’ll learn how to develop strong relationships with others, how to connect with anyone and how to have the attitude of a likeable person!

If you get nervous in social settings, if you’re unsure of what to talk about when you meet someone, or how to maintain a relationship with someone, or how to be someone everyone wants to know, to ten kurs jest dla Ciebie!

Ten kurs jest przeznaczony dla:

  • People who want to be charismatic & Likeable
  • People who are shy
  • People who want to up their social skills
  • People who want to learn to be natural around others
  • People who want to create instant rapport with others
  • People who work in customer service
  • People in sales
  • People who own their own businesses
  • People who want to be the best version of themselves

O instruktorze:

Alli Saunders is a successful Entrepreneur, Filmmaker & World Traveler. She attributes her success to her ability to connect with anyone and be likeable.

Twórz usługi i używaj ich do wykonywania połączeń GET i POST?

  • An eagerness to learn how to be more likeable


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