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Installing SharePoint For Personal Use

Installing SharePoint For Personal Use

Cena: $24.99

This course will teach you how to create your personal SharePoint working space. I will take you step by step into this process and will first talk about what are the various options. We will then talk about the pros and cons of each. We will then go into the requirements of creating a SharePoint environment and what are the steps to acquire the required software. You will learn on how to install Windows Server 2012, T-SQL w SQL Server dla początkujących 2012 and ultimately SharePoint 2013 in a personal space.

Please note that we will use trial products which will work for 180 days only. Also these installations are not how you will install these products in a professional environment. This installation is for personal use only.

Wreszcie, the skills you learn in this course will allow you to quickly create new environments for other products and even later and former versions of SharePoint.

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