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Wprowadzenie do systemu Windows firmy Microsoft 10

Wprowadzenie do systemu Windows firmy Microsoft 10

Cena: $24.99

On June 29th, 2015, Microsoft released their new Operating System – Okna 10 to the world. Available by download and on sale online, this new Operating System is both familiar and a little challenging. This course is a comprehensive look at Windows 10. From the new and improved Start Menu to the virtual assistant Cortana through to the System Settings, I’ll take you on a step by step walkthrough of the entire Operating System. The course is structured logically so that you can get to the sections of the Operating System that are most interesting to you. By the end of the series, you will have a really great idea how to use this Operating System. The class is about 3 hours total but most of the videos are less than 5 minut długo. You ideally should have installed a copy of Windows 10 before watching this.

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