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Finanse osobiste: A Crash Course

Finanse osobiste: A Crash Course

Cena: $39.99

Some of the most intimidating aspects of being an adult are paying your bills, earning a livable wage and making good decisions about how to spend your money. From income and investments to taxes and insurance, this course provides visuals, examples and easy-to-understand content to make managing your money less overwhelming. This course is built on three principles:

1. Utwórz jednostki z pliku CSV – Możesz (i powinien!) apply this information to your circumstances as you work through the material

2. Istotnych I strive to offer you the content you neednothing more, nothing less.

3. Action-oriented Each topic ends with a challenge to encourage you to practice the new skills you acquire

What you can expect to learn from this course:

  • The fundamentals of budgeting, including how to start and how to improve your financial circumstances

  • What credit and credit score as well how you can establish and build your credit

  • How to repay your loans and debts

  • How to save and invest your hard earned money

  • ten (NAS) tax filing process and critical tax documents

  • Wreszcie, three common types of personal insurances

As a result of this course, you’ll be on the fast track to earning more and spending less!

Kompletny serwer Windows: While much of the information is universal, there are a few lessons that are specific to the US, most notably in the taxes chapter.


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