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Treasure Hunting with Metal Detectors

Treasure Hunting with Metal Detectors

Cena: $24.99

You will learn the concepts and fundamentals of searching for lost and buried treasures using metal detectors in this course. You’ll see what it takes to find metallic items underground and the effort it takes. You’ll also see how to use detectors to find items that aren’t even metallic and some of the ways you can go about that. The class is a great introduction to treasure hunting using metal detectors. You’ll be able to apply the techniques using the settings presented in the class immediately to your treasure hunting outings.

In this class, Potrój swoją pewność kariery:

  • Different detector qualities and price points

  • How to avoid damaging items once you find them

  • How quickly a metal detector can work to find lost items

  • What the different coil types are

  • Advanced techniques for specialized conditions

Improve your treasure hunting with these new skills

This course will take you into the realm of professional precious metal seekers. In order to get the most out of your metal detector, Mike Bowers provides competent instruction and insight. Professionals use the techniques presented in this course and the payoff for the class will be almost immediate when you find your first lost item. You’ll gain more consistency in your finds and learn new concepts you may not have considered before.

Follow Mike Bowers into the field and learn how he works. You’ll be able to better understand the nuances of detectors and some of the settings to use to try on your own. You’ll learn the various aspects of different valuable items and what they sound like.

Designed for beginners who want professional results

This is for aspiring treasure hunters and anyone interested in using metal detectors. There are no computers needed or other requirements in this course. You’ll have fun, learn as you go, and be inspired by some of the amazing stories in this course.

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