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Certyfikowany Kierownik ds. Bezpieczeństwa Informacji (CISM) – Domena 4

Certyfikowany Kierownik ds. Bezpieczeństwa Informacji (CISM) – Domena 4

Cena: $49.99

Cybersecurity incident management is not a straightforward process; it’s a cycle that consists of a preparation phase, an incident detection phase and a phase of incident containment, łagodzenie, and recovery. The final phase consists of drawing lessons from the incident in order to improve the process and prepare for future incidents.

The following elements constitute a cybersecurity incident response plan:

  • Identification of the assets that need to be protected.

  • Identification and assignment of responsibilities to personnel.

  • The equipment and technology to detect and address a cybersecurity incident.

  • A pre-defined containment strategy.

  • Communication between internal and external stakeholders.

As we’ve known, humans are the weakest link when it comes to cybersecurity. The people of your organization have the potential to make or break the security of your business. Make sure that every member of your organization is trained and made aware of your cybersecurity incident response plan and of their own roles and responsibilities.

The security incident management process is of vital importance for reducing recovery costs, potential liabilities, and damage to an organization. W tym kursie, we make sure you receive every grain of information on Information Security Incident Management.

w Infysec, we go all out to bring you the best of training and services on Information Security, Chmura obliczeniowa, Zarządzanie projektami, Sieć, and Ethical Hacking among others. Jesteśmy jedyną firmą zajmującą się bezpieczeństwem IT, która jest światowym rekordzistą w największym i najdłuższym maratonie świadomości bezpieczeństwa IT. Nasze szkolenia online z powodzeniem przyciągnęły uczestników z aż 187 krajów na świecie.

You will be tutored by an eminent Information Security Specialist Mr. Isaac Prince Jeffrey. Ma mnóstwo certyfikatów w rękawie, a jego ogromne doświadczenie obejmuje całą bankowość, finanse, doradztwo i outsourcing. Wszystko, co musisz zrobić, to dać z siebie wszystko i celnie podać.

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