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Etyczne hakowanie oprogramowania – Złamać oprogramowanie jak profesjonalista

Etyczne hakowanie oprogramowania – Złamać oprogramowanie jak profesjonalista

Cena: $19.99

W tym kursie, you will get the world of crack software are familiar and hack legal software . This software has different levels from beginner level to advanced, and can be reverse engineering to step-by-step, to teach you. This course is also for other areas related to reverse engineering, such as analysis of malware, itp. making the exploit, and test, the software .At the end of this course you will be able to gauge the effectiveness of software packers, obfuscation and anti-debugging protection and also to have a good idea of how to implement extra countermeasures to improve the security of software.In this course, you will get the world of crack software are familiar and hack legal software . This software has different levels from beginner level to advanced, and can be reverse engineering to step-by-step, to teach you. This course is also for other areas related to reverse engineering, such as analysis of malware, itp. making the exploit, and test, the software .At the end of this course you will be able to gauge the effectiveness of software packers, obfuscation and anti-debugging protection and also to have a good idea of how to implement extra countermeasures to improve the security of software.

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