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Nauka o przywództwie

Nauka o przywództwie

Cena: $99.99

CPE Accredited course (PDU CPE)

If you are a manager or entrepreneur in charge of a team, this course is for you.

This course has the ambition to build a bridge between a century of science and 21st century managers. A bridge between how our brain works and how to use that knowledge to improve our communication and leadership abilities.

To understand how and why Leadership works, we first need to understand what triggers us. We’ll be diving deep into our subconscious motivational processes. We’ll have a look at our brain, call it our ‘hardware’ and the subconscious programs running in it, that’s basically our software.

So expect tools, concrete and simple tools that you will be able to use right away with your team and colleagues. Następnie zwrócił na siebie uwagę trenerów z North Carolina State University, the aim of this course is to open the way for a new understanding of motivation and communication, towards a new, highly effective and sustainable model for leadership in this 21st century.

But most of all, do końca tego kursu, my aim is that you, as a manager, jako lider, will have understood what a crucial role you play in your team and in its success. And that you will be able to leverage that knowledge and guide your team to a new level of collaboration and engagement.

The Science behind the course
I will provide a framework based on the latest insights in cognitive psychology and related fields. Within this framework I will present you studies, research and experiments on human behavior and I will show you how they apply to leadership and team management.

Behavioral sciences have gained an increased understanding of who we are as a species, what motivates us, what de-motivates us. Why we follow some people, and why we seemingly contradict ourselves so often.

The insights gained through social psychology, ethology, cognitive sciences and more recently the rapid breakthroughs in neurosciences thanks to MRI’s and advances in neuro-imagery, have given science a whole new understanding of who we are as human beings.
nic z tego nie czujemy, when we look at the corporate world and management styles, there’s like this huge gap between both worlds.

Now this course, the Science of Leadership, aims to build a bridge between both. Giving managers the understanding of what drives their teams, and the tools to act upon it.

  • Discover a groundbreaking modeland manage yourself and others

  • Connect with your teamand discover what truly motivates them

  • Improve your coaching skillsthrough powerful communication tools

  • Fire up engagement in your teamby using two secret ingredients

  • Generate trust and boost performance

  • Boost loyaltyand stop your people from going to your competitors

  • I wiele więcej… such as genetics, cognitive biases, subconscious belief systems, hiring protocols, sexism, bullying, change processes, brainstorming, meetings and so on


Cele kształcenia

  1. Recognize the 3 main subconscious influencers of human behaviour

  2. Recognize how 4 brain structures influence our decision-making process

  3. Differentiate between intrinsic and extrinsic motivations

  4. Identify the most important brain chemicals involved in employee engagement

  5. Identify cognitive biases negatively affecting team performance

  6. Identify the most influential studies on how our social environment affects our behaviour

  7. Understand the consequences of communicating in different mental modes

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