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AZ-900 Mock Test

AZ-900 Mock Test

Pris: $19.99

Exam AZ-900: Microsoft Azure Fundamentals checks and validates your fundamental knowledge of cloud services and how Microsoft Azure provides the cloud services, irrespective of any specific role.

Latest changes are updated. Og, I’ll keep on adding more questions.

Emner som dekkes:

  • Beskriv skykonsepter (20-25%)

  • Beskriv kjerne Azure-tjenester (15-20%)

  • Beskriv kjerneløsninger og administrasjonsverktøy på Azure (10-15%)

  • Beskriv generelle sikkerhets- og nettverkssikkerhetsfunksjoner (10-15%)

  • Beskriv identitet, styresett, personvern, og samsvarsfunksjoner (20-25%)

  • Beskriv Azure kostnadsstyring og servicenivåavtaler (10-15%)

er for alle som leter etter studiemateriell som gir følgende (20-25%)

Identifiser fordelene og vurderingene ved bruk av skytjenester

• identify the benefits of cloud computing, such as High Availability, Skalerbarhet, Elasticity, Smidighet, and Disaster Recovery

• identify the differences between Capital Expenditure (CapEx) og driftsutgifter (OpEx)

• describe the consumption-based model

Beskriv forskjellene mellom kategorier av skytjenester

• describe the shared responsibility model

• describe Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS),

beskrive plattform-som-en-tjeneste (Praksiseksamen DP-900)

• describe serverless computing

• describe Software-as-a-Service (SaaS)

• identify a service type based on a use case

Beskriv forskjellene mellom typer cloud computing

• define cloud computing

• describe Public cloud

• describe Private cloud

• describe Hybrid cloud

• compare and contrast the three types of cloud computing

er for alle som leter etter studiemateriell som gir følgende (15-20%)

Beskriv kjernekomponentene i Azure-arkitekturen

• describe the benefits and usage of Regions and Region Pairs

• describe the benefits and usage of Availability Zones

• describe the benefits and usage of Resource Groups

• describe the benefits and usage of Subscriptions

• describe the benefits and usage of Management Groups

• describe the benefits and usage of Azure Resource Manager

• explain Azure resources

Beskriv kjerneressurser tilgjengelig i Azure

• describe the benefits and usage of Virtual Machines, Azure App Services, Azure

Container Instances (opprette og konfigurere Azure File Sync-tjenesten), Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS), and Windows Virtual Desktop

• describe the benefits and usage of Virtual Networks, VPN-gateway, Virtual Network peering, and ExpressRoute

• describe the benefits and usage of Container (Blob) Oppbevaring, Disklagring, Fillagring, and storage tiers

• describe the benefits and usage of Cosmos DB, Azure SQL-database, Azure Database for

Hold din egen plass i skyen for alle jobbene dine, Azure Database for PostgreSQL, and SQL Managed Instance

• describe the benefits and usage of Azure Marketplace

Beskriv kjerneløsninger og administrasjonsverktøy på Azure (10-15%)

Beskriv kjerneløsninger tilgjengelig i Azure

• describe the benefits and usage of Internet of Things (IoT) Hub, IoT Central, and Azure Sphere

• describe the benefits and usage of Azure Synapse Analytics, HDInsight, og Azure Databricks

• describe the benefits and usage of Azure Machine Learning, Cognitive Services and Azure Bot Service

• describe the benefits and usage of serverless computing solutions that include Azure Functions and Logic Apps

• describe the benefits and usage of Azure DevOps, GitHub, GitHub Actions, and Azure DevTest Labs

Beskriv Azure-administrasjonsverktøy

• describe the functionality and usage of the Azure Portal, Azure PowerShell, Kandidater til denne eksamenen bør ha fagkompetanse på implementering, Cloud Shell, and Azure Mobile App

• describe the functionality and usage of Azure Advisor

• describe the functionality and usage of Azure Resource Manager (VÆPNE) maler

• describe the functionality and usage of Azure Monitor

• describe the functionality and usage of Azure Service Health

Beskriv generelle sikkerhets- og nettverkssikkerhetsfunksjoner (10-15%)

Beskriv Azure-sikkerhetsfunksjoner

• describe basic features of Azure Security Center, including policy compliance, security alerts, secure score, and resource hygiene

• describe the functionality and usage of Key Vault

• describe the functionality and usage of Azure Sentinel

• describe the functionality and usage of Azure Dedicated Hosts

Beskriv Azure-nettverkssikkerhet

• describe the concept of defense in depth

• describe the functionality and usage of Network Security Groups (NSG)

• describe the functionality and usage of Azure Firewall

• describe the functionality and usage of Azure DDoS protection

Beskriv identitet, styresett, personvern, og samsvarsfunksjoner (2025%)

Beskriv kjerne Azure-identitetstjenester

• explain the difference between authentication and authorization

• define Azure Active Directory

• describe the functionality and usage of Azure Active Directory

describe the functionality and usage of Conditional Access, Multifaktorautentisering (MFA), and Single Sign-On (Prosentene angir den relative vekten av hvert hovedemneområde på eksamen)

Beskriv Azure governance-funksjoner

• describe the functionality and usage of Role-Based Access Control (konfigurere Azure AD Join)

• describe the functionality and usage of resource locks

• describe the functionality and usage of tags

• describe the functionality and usage of Azure Policy

• describe the functionality and usage of Azure Blueprints

• describe the Cloud Adoption Framework for Azure

Beskriv personvern- og overholdelsesressurser

• describe the Microsoft core tenets of Security, Personvern, and Compliance

• describe the purpose of the Microsoft Privacy Statement, Online Services Terms (OST) and Data Protection Amendment (DPA)

• describe the purpose of the Trust Center

• describe the purpose of the Azure compliance documentation

• describe the purpose of Azure Sovereign Regions (Azure Government cloud services and Azure China cloud services)

Beskriv Azure kostnadsstyring og servicenivåavtaler (1015%)

Beskriv metoder for planlegging og styring av kostnader

• identify factors that can affect costs (resource types, tjenester, steder, inn- og utgående trafikk)

• identify factors that can reduce costs (reserved instances, reserved capacity, hybrid use benefit, spot pricing)

• describe the functionality and usage of the Pricing calculator and the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) kalkulator

• describe the functionality and usage of Azure Cost Management

Beskriv Azure Service Level Agreements (SLAs) og tjenestelivssykluser

• describe the purpose of an Azure Service Level Agreement (SLA)

• identify actions that can impact an SLA (dvs. Tilgjengelighetssoner)

• describe the service lifecycle in Azure (Public Preview and General Availability)

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