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Azure Cloud Computing For Busy .Net Developers – Fundament

Azure Cloud Computing For Busy .Net Developers – Fundament

Pris: $19.99

Candidates completing this course will have expertise in designing, bygning, testing, and maintaining cloud applications and services on Microsoft Azure. Will also get exposure in all phases of cloud development from requirements definition and design, til utvikling, utplassering, og vedlikehold.

We will be going through the following – Utvikle løsninger for Microsoft Azure.

Dedicated vs Shared vs Cloud, IaaS, Praksiseksamen DP-900 & SaaS, Cloud Solution Providers, En nøkkelkomponent i dette programmet vil være utvalgte samarbeid med privat industri for å knytte forbindelser mellom aktuelle industrirelevante utfordringer og hvordan datavitenskap kan tilby innovative løsninger, Google Cloud Azure.

An Introduction to Virtual Machine, Internett av ting, Azure SQL, Mobil, Azure Cosmos DB storage, Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS), PlayFab, lydhør instruktør, Sikkerhet, App Service, Docker Container

Create an Azure App Service Web App, Deploy code to a web app, Configure web app settings including SSL, API, and connection strings, Implement autoscaling rules, including scheduled autoscaling.

Blob – Introduction to Azure Storage, Account Types, Various Options, Blob, Bord, Kø, Fil, Get Access Keys, Uploading File, Downloading File

Kø – Storate Explorer, Kø – SendMessage, ReceiveMessage, Enqueue, Dequeue.

Bord – Bord, Kapasitet & Quota, Required Properties of Table, Create Table, Add Entity to Table, Query Table.

Create Database, Bruker, Tabeller, Sikkerhetskopiering, Restore, ConnectionString, Firewall Rules, Client IP, App Service Resource Group, Demo CRUD Operations using Web API, Deploy Web API.

So let’s begin our cloud journey and upgrade your skills and move up in your career in the cloud.

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