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Tillit: 21 Dager til en styrket sinnstilstand

Tillit: 21 Dager til en styrket sinnstilstand

Pris: $109.99


Vi er topp Udemy-instruktører i kategorien personlig utvikling. Våre kurs er overtatt 300,000+ glade studenter fra 195 land.

Vi har et blomstrende fellesskap i kurset og vi er aktivt med og svarer på spørsmål innen 24 timer.


Let us guess, you want to be happier, feel more gratitude, have more confidence and create a successful, satisfying life. …Men, you seem to hold yourself back because:

· Change feels like a daunting task

· You don’t know where to start

· You figure it is probably too complicated

· How would you find the time?

· You lack the confidence to move forward

Men, what if we told you that you can make massive changes to your confidence, reality, your state of mind, and your experience of life på mindre enn 7 minutter om dagen for only 21 dager?

You would probably think that its B.S.

Og, if you did, you’d be absolutely right! It is your Belief Ssystem (B.S.) that creates your life. This belief system creates thought patterns and habits that impact every part of your life and your confidence and success.

Have you ever noticed that there are people that are always happy, have a high level of confidence, or things seem to go right for them even when things are not going right?

Many studies show that it is ikke your environment that determines how successful, tillit, or happy you are or how great your relationships are. It truly comes down to one thing—your state of mind. People with the right state of mind live longer, have better and longer lasting intimate and social relationships, get promoted more often, earn more, og, enda viktigere, experience more happiness and confidence.

You’re probably thinking, “Så, how can I be one of these people?!?!”

The first step is to realize that you CAN control your state of mind and emotions. With the right tools, teknikker, and questions you can feel happy, grateful, have confidence, or be at peace no matter what is going on around you.

This course will walk you through daily activities to help you condition your mind and body using NLP (neural linguistic programming) og psykologi. Through repetitive anchoring of positive emotions, you will be able to quickly and easily evoke a state of confidence, Jeg flytter vanligvis bare steder, glede, and gratitude. Through daily questions designed to rewire your conscious and unconscious mind, you will be able to change patterns, see life from a different perspective, and create habits that will help you create the life you desire.

Så, if you are ready to change your life in just 7 minutter om dagen, then we look forward to seeing you in the course!

By the end of this course you will learn how to:

· Gain control over your thoughts, focus and emotional state (Stop letting your thoughts control you)

· Learn how to easily choose an optimistic, positive attitude (Stop negative thinking and bad moods in their tracks)

· Learn how to create the emotions you want (Stop feeling out of control emotionally)

· Gain the ability to see the blessings, even in the curses (Stop feeling like a victim of life)

Forbedre ferdighetene dine i kritisk tenkning:

· Feel greater confidence and gratitude

· Feel happier throughout your day

· Feel in control of your thoughts and emotions

· Feel eagerness and positive expectancy about life

· Develop a daily habit of choosing your focus and emotional state

· Develop the state of mind required to succeed in life

Så, are you ready to have true confidence and develop an empowered mind in just 21 dager? I så fall Meld deg på nå, vi gleder oss til å se deg på kurset!

Garanti: Vi vet at du vil elske dette kurset. derimot, vi tilbyr en 30-dagers pengene-tilbake-garanti uten spørsmål dersom kurset av en eller annen grunn ikke oppfyller dine behov.

Så, hvem er vi?

Vi er Joeel & Natalie Rivera, seriegründere, forfattere, høyttalere, og lærere. Vi har over et tiår med erfaring innen psykologi og livscoaching, og vår største lidenskap er å styrke andre til å leve livet på deres premisser, oppfylle potensialet sitt, og omfavne deres større formål. Alle våre programmer er utformet basert på vår erfaring innen coaching, sosiale tjenester, psykologi, og utdanning, as well my Masters’ in Counseling and research on happiness for my dissertation for a PhD in psychology. At the time of this recording, vi har 300,000+ studenter fra 195 land.

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