Exam DA-100 Analyzing Data Microsoft Power BI Practice Tests
Pris: $19.99
Leter du etter å ta en Exam DA-100 Analyzing Data with Microsoft Power BI men du føler deg fortsatt litt usikker, eller du er nysgjerrig på hvordan spørsmålene ser ut? Vil du bestå eksamen med høy score?
I dette kurset, you will have access to realistic Professional Analyzing Data with Microsoft Power BI ™ practice tests so you can get familiar with the questions and receive an explanation of the answers and you can become sharp, fort, and accurate in answering Analyzing Data with Microsoft Power BI questions correctly.
Merk: Vær oppmerksom på at dette kurset ikke inkluderer noen videoer. Bare øvingsprøver.
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6 Deltreningstester
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Mer enn 200 questions and answers
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Mange til mange forhold is quickly becoming the world’s most powerful self-service business intelligence platform, and an absolutely essential tool for data professionals and beginners alike. With Power BI you can connect to hundreds of data sources, build complex relational models using simple and intuitive tools, and design stunning, interactive dashboards from scratch — all for free.
Hvem er dette kurset for?
Students who want a comprehensive, engasjerende, and highly interactive approach to training
Business users who need to certified to DA-100 Analyzing Data with Microsoft Power BI
All existing Business Intelligence developers and users
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