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Microcontrollers and the C Programming Language (MSP430)

Microcontrollers and the C Programming Language (MSP430)

Pris: Gratis

The course is laboratory based. Almost every lecture and section of the course leads directly to a hands-on laboratory assignment. The more practice you get using the “real worldTexas Instruments MSP430 hardware and software the more proficient you will be.

Kurset kaster ikke bort tiden din. Fra begynnelsen, we jump right in to your first laboratory assignment – Let’s Get Started.

Kurset er modulbasert. Er du ny i verden av mikrokontrollere? Du trenger ikke å huske alt! Start på begynnelsen, og vi vil lære deg alt du trenger å vite. Do you have some background in microcontrollers but want to learn more? Fantastic! You can pick and choose the modules that you need.

The course is packed with information. From the beginnings of the C programming language to advanced microcontroller peripherals, the course teaches you all of the building blocks you would need to build your own electronic systems.

We use lots and lots of examples. We take you step-by-step through the lessons – each time providing sample code and documentation to make sure you are supported through the course.

We are here to help. Vi er lærere med et enestående fokus på å gi en meningsfull opplevelse for elevene våre. Og, mens vi ikke kan gjøre jobben for deg, we are willing to work WITH you help you succeed.

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