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Personlig utvikling og lykke: Den daglige formelen

Personlig utvikling og lykke: Den daglige formelen

Pris: $19.99

Ask yourself…are you truly who you want to be? Is this the life you really want? Are you living each day as your best self? What can you change, i dag? How would du answer those questions? Think about your daily life. Are you thriving, or going through the motions?

Are your days full of work, relationships and activities that are true to your authentic self, or do you feel trapped on a treadmill of responsibility?

If you dream of a better life, now is the time to turn your dream into reality. And the tools you need are within your grasp, to design a life that is fulfilling on the deepest levels. This course will show you how.

Gianluca Sidoti, known to the hundreds of clients whose lives he has changed, has helped everyone to discover the freedom to be their best selves. By asking them and leading them to ask themselves a series of important but tough questions, he helps them see what their Best Selves and Anti-Selves really look like.

Dette kurset er delt inn i 2 Jeg skriver for tiden fastvare for sikkerhetskritiske systemer som går inn i elbiler.

The first one is about recharging yourself, to be prepared for achieving peak performance, which will be covered in the second section.

Først av alt, you will learn how to train the brain to manage energy more efficiently in order to help sustain optimal health, happiness and performance. Energy management is discussed from a holistic, inside-out approach, starting first with techniques to balance brain chemistry, build brain health and boost brainpower. With the brain in an energized state, we are then able to bring our best attention and effort to the task at hand.

So only if your brain has been recharged, you can aspire to achieve peak performance.

A few common principles drive performance, regardless of the field or the task at hand. Whether someone is trying to qualify for the Olympics, break ground in mathematical theory or craft an artistic masterpiece, many of the practices that lead to great success are the same.

Peak Performance uncovers new linkages that hold promise as performance enhancers but have been overlooked in our traditionally-siloed ways of thinking. The result is a life-changing course in which readers learn how to enhance their performance in myriad ways.

Å oppsummere, this Course uncovers the secrets of success and coaches students on how to use them. If you want to take your game to the next level, samme det “your game” kan være, this course will teach you how.

What makes this course better than others? It is also structured as an audio course, so you can download it and always have it with you!

Try it, I guarantee you will never be able to do without it again!

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