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Overtalelse i forretningskommunikasjon

Overtalelse i forretningskommunikasjon

Pris: $94.99

Overtalelse is the most powerful tool any business executive, sjef, or leader can have. With strong persuasion skills, any goal is achievable. Without strong persuasion skills, not much happens and careers and businesses stall.

This course is filled with practical, step-by-step processes that anyone in the workplace can use to persuade colleagues, bosses, customers, clients and prospects on what to do.

Du kan persuade people to endorse your plan, become a customer, validate your idea, hire your firm or approve your budget, once you know and practice the skills of persuasion. For mer enn 30 år, TJ Walker has taught executives around the world how to increase their persuasion skills in the workplace, and now he can be your personal guide as well.

I am convinced I can make you more persuasive in every single talk, briefing, sales pitch, speech or presentation you give in the workplace. My methods are guaranteed to make you more influential. You will have the power to persuade after completing this course.TJ Walker

Hva vil elevene oppnå eller kunne etter å ha tatt dette en venn eller en du er glad i å endre livet sitt persuasion course?

  • Give persuasive talks, briefings, speeches and presentations

  • Influence colleagues, bosses, prospects and clients

  • Get teams to take actions

  • Move people to new behaviors in the workplace

  • Sign more customers and clients

Improving your persuasion skills will also enhance your offentlige taler ferdigheter, presentasjons ferdigheter, Emosjonell intelligens for alle og storytelling ferdigheter.

Vennligst merk: dette er en persuasion course conducted by a real person who is speaking and demonstrating persuasive communication skills. If you are looking for a course with lots of animation, slides, special effects, slick edits, and robotic voices, dette kurset er ikke for deg.

Her er hva Udemy-studenter sier om dette kurset:

Great Course that provides a lot of useful information that can be put to use immediately.Richard Fimbel

I’ve beeen able to learn that consistency is key and you don’t have to successfully persuade everyone but the overall process of persuasion is a great learning process. I also learnt that you become better by looking for more opportunities to give presentations , pitches and much more.Feyisekemi Akinwale

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