PL-100: Microsoft Power Platform App Maker
Pris: $89.99
This course covers the content required for the PL-100 certification exam, current as the original PL-100 syllabus.
It will soon be updated in line with the PL-100 exam update of 23 juli 2021.
This course teaches the requirements for the Microsoft Certificate PL-100 “Power Platform App Maker Associate“, and focuses on the various apps which make up the Power Platform, together with how they can be used by other programs, apps and services.
We’ll start off by looking at lerret Power Apps. We’ll get a free Developer edition and/or free trial of Power Apps, and get some sample data using the Kraftplattformopplæring (previously known as the Common Data Service). We’ll then create a canvas Power App through a template and then, starting from scratch, we will replicate it and expand the functionality. This also includes creating a new table in the Dataverse. We will also look at Global and Context variables, components and collections.
Vi skal da se på model-driven Power Apps using the Dataverse. We’ll look at the constituent parts of a model-driven Power Apps: site maps, skjemaer, utsikt, charts and dashboards. We’ll also restrict the type of data which can be inserted into our Dataverse by using business rules.
in this each of the three different types of Power Apps: Canvas, modelldrevet, and portals, while looking at the various types of connectors you can use to connect to different data sources.
Neste opp er Opprette en Northwind-e-post ved hjelp av Workflow. Using our free Developer edition or the paid-for version, we’ll create several automated flows, and the different triggers and actions you can use. We’ll look at various triggers and actions, together with looking how we can enter data in sections using the business process flows.
We’ll then go back to the Power Platform more generally, looking at solutions, sikkerhet, and importing and exporting data.
Vi starter med å se på Mange til mange forhold. If you have a PC, we’ll download for free Power BI Desktop, and look at the various processes which you can use on the Power BI Desktop. Deretter, we’ll look at the Power BI Service (available through any modern web browser), see what you can do with this, and how they compare. We’ll also look at sharing Power BI reports and adding existing Power BI tiles or dashboards into our model-driven Power App.
We will have a brief look at the AI-bygger, and models such as the business card reader, object detection model, form processing model and prediction model. We’ll then look at practical examples of using models inside Power Apps and Power Automate.
We’ll finish off by looking at Microsoft Teams and other topics, including topics that are being removed from the PL-100 exam on 23 juli 2021, such as exporting solutions, testing, accessibility and field and data security.
Ingen forkunnskaper kreves – we’ll even see how to get a free Power Platform trial!
Det er vanlige quiz for å hjelpe deg med å huske informasjonen, slik at du kan være sikker på at du lærer.
Når du har fullført dette kurset, you will have a good knowledge of how to make Power Apps and Power Automate flows, together with how to use them in Microsoft Teams. And with some practice, you could even go for the official Microsoft certification PL-100 – wouldn’t that look good on your CV or resume?
Så, uten videre, la oss ta en titt på hvordan du kan bruke Udemy-grensesnittet, og så skal vi se på målene for eksamen og dermed pensum for dette kurset.
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