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PMI PGMP Program Management Professional Practice Exam

PMI PGMP Program Management Professional Practice Exam

Pris: $94.99

Eksempel på spørsmål

Q) What is the term given to ads that are usually located between the mast and the content of a web page? Velg ett av følgende:

en) Button ads

b) Skyscraper ads

c) leaderboard ad

d) MPU ads

Q) Have you heard of the term frequency limit. What does it mean? Velg ett av følgende:

en) A limit is applied on an ad, you can view the Web sites.

b) A limit is applied to thenumber of times an ad is displayed.

c) A limit is applied to the costs incurred by a company for the ad to appear.

d) A limit is applied to the geographic display of the ad.

Q) What is the term used to describe when a customer comes to a specific web page and complete the default action? Velg ett av følgende:

en) Conversion

b) Calculation

c) tracking

d) Rebound

Q) Have you heard of the ‘leaseterm in online advertising. What does it mean? Velg ett av følgende:

en) Your ad willhave a fixed position for a certain price and time.

b) Your ad will have a fixed position for a certain number of clicks.

c) Your ad will have a fixed position for a number of impressions.

d) Your ad will have a fixed position for a certain budget.

Q) You are aware that the conventions Privacy Policy apply to any digital marketing campaign. What is the implication of this for your campaign digital display, and what can not do? Velg ett av følgende

en) Track Retargeting

b) Trace for analysis

c) Trace to device information

d) Trace to previous activities

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