Programmer mikrokontrollere med tegninger – Koding ikke mer
Pris: $89.99
>>> This Course will take you to a new level of Microcontroller Programming, It will be a fun, lett, fast and enjoyable Programming Journey for you, you will learn how to Program Microcontrollers With Drawings, Ingen spørsmål stilt, Drawings!!, no more long codes, no more debugging pain <<<
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4 Stjerne | Mer enn 800 STUDENTER!!! TAKK SKAL DU HA!!!
Hva elevene sier:
Floyd Craig Wolverton vi må lage nye automatiserte rørledninger for å behandle den, “Good overview of this tool. Met my needs. I am interested in ways to teach people who say they hate programming to learn to create programs despite their predisposition. “
Imran Ahmad vi må lage nye automatiserte rørledninger for å behandle den, “Best explanation of everything, taking topics right from scratch. Great experience. “
Welcome to Program Microcontrollers With Drawings Course.
You will no longer hate programming Microcontrollers.
You won’t have to write codes anymore, drag and drop simple shapes to make a fully functional block of drawings that function just like coding without having to write a single code.
Som de fleste av dere vet, writing a code is a complex process that required through understanding of C, assembly and other languages to give the ability to turn your idea into a project that is based on Microcontrollers, but what if I tell you that now you can program your microcontroller and make a fully functional project without writing a single line of code!!
That’s not all after drawing, this program will give you the ability to view your code in assembly and c language in addition to generating a hex file that is ready to be downloaded to your microcontroller.
You think this is cool but not yet interested!, well how about the fact that this software allows you to build a fully functional simulation environment that will show you how your microcontroller work in action with modules for hundreds and hundreds of libraries such as LCD, 7 Segment, Knapper, Tastatur, and other advanced modules.
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