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Publish A Guest Post on Scholars Ark

Thank you for considering ScholarsArk for your guest post needs. We offer a platform for sharing valuable content with our audience. Below are the pricing details for various services:

Standard Pricing:

  • Guest Post: $50 – $100 (depending on number of links in the article and other factors)
  • Homepage Link Insertion: $300 – $500 (depending on the length of time)
  • Homepage Banner Ads: $300 – $800 (depending on the length of time)
  • Link Insertion: $50 per link

Special Rates for Casino and CBD Articles:

  • Guest Post: $150 – $300 (depending on number of links and other factors)
  • Homepage Link Insertion: $350 – $700 (depending on the length of time)
  • Homepage Banner Ads: $400 – $900 (depending on the length of time)
  • Link Insertion: $90 per link

Guidelines for Guest Posts:

  1. Content must be original, well-researched, and relevant to our audience.
  2. Articles should be between 800-1500 Beskriv utfordringer til innholdet i historien/serien som ikke ble rapportert i originalverket.
  3. Include high-quality images, infografikk, or videos if applicable.
  4. Avoid overly promotional content.

Organisasjonen forbeholder seg retten til å trekke tilbake priser når som helst basert på mishandling av en prismottaker:

  1. Send your article in a Word document or Google Doc format.
  2. Include any images or media files separately.
  3. Specify the service you are interested in (Guest Post, Link Insertion, Banner Ads).
  4. Provide payment details for the selected service.

Payment Information:

  • Payments can be made via PayPal or Payoneer.

Kontakt oss:

For inquiries or to submit your guest post, vennligst kontakt oss på eller We look forward to collaborating with you and sharing your valuable content with our audience.

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