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Scrum Master Exam Prep

Scrum Master Exam Prep

Pris: $49.99

Profesjonell Scrum™, Profesjonell Scrum Master, PSM, PSM I, etc. is the protected brand of Scrum .org. This course and practice exam is neither endorsed by nor affiliated with Scrum .org.

Alt innhold relatert til Scrum Guide er hentet fra scrumguides. org and is under the Attribution ShareAlike license of Creative Commons. Ytterligere informasjon er tilgjengelig på http://creativecommons .org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/legalcode and also described in summary form at http://creativecommons .org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/.

Need a little extra ‘oomffor your prep to pass the Scrum Master exam? Then this is the course for you.

In this course you’ll learn everything you must know in order to pass the Scrum Master exam. I’ve taken the exam objectives and honed them down to just the essentials to pass the examnothing more and nothing less. When you complete this course you’ll be well on your way to clearing the Scrum Master certification exam.

In this course you’ll receive:

  • Complete exam preparedness

  • Course workbook of all the slides

  • Vocabulary flashcards for learning all Scrum terms

  • Comprehensive final exam at the end of the course

  • 4 Professional Development Units if you’re a PMI credential holder (3 teknisk, 1 ledelse)

kursmateriell og praksiseksamener er heller ikke sponset, like the huddle in Rugby, requires teamwork, tilpasningsevne, and great communication. We’ll cover all of these topics in this course.

Enroll today and get working to passing your Scrum Master certification exam.

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