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Six Tools To Improve Your Tech Leadership & Kommunikasjon

Six Tools To Improve Your Tech Leadership & Kommunikasjon

Pris: $89.99

Leadership in tech is often ignored until it is too late. We all start out as junior developers or engineers, and slowly work our way up the corporate ladder. Then one day we open our eyes and look around, and we realize we’re in charge of the team, a product, or the entire organization.

For some of us this leadership comes naturally, while for others it’s a daily struggle. You might be thinking that leadership is something you’re born with, but nothing could be further from the truth.

Great leadership is a skill, just like coding and engineering, and it can be learned.

Sonsoles and Mark spent many years working in tech organizations, some great, others not so much. Over the years they realized they were seeing the same toxic leadership patterns over and over. We call these patterns Managerial Anti-Patterns, and they arise out of weak personal power, a toxic communication style, eller begge.

Being aware of these anti-patterns is the first step on your journey to become an outstanding tech leader.

If you want to become immune to these anti-patterns, you must first master a solid foundation of skills and tools. Sonsoles and Mark will teach you how to improve your communication, cultivate your personal power, and change your daily habits from the inside out, to become a powerful tech leader and achieve career success.

You’ll learn to harness six tools of effective leadership and communication: bruk Introvert Superpowers, Align your team, Question assumptions, Embrace creativity, ConnectE Social Media App i Android Studio Service Designer, and practice Healthy Decision Making.

With these tools you will:

  • Gain a robust understanding of what it takes to be an effective leader

  • Learn actionable tools to shift your mindset into a leadership mindset

  • Embrace the role of Service Designer and let your team lead you to success

In the demanding, ever-changing workplaces of today, it’s not enough to be a sjef. You must truly learn how to be a leder – someone who influences and transforms how others feel about themselves and the work they do.

Take action and learn how to harness the power of healthy tech leadership today!

30 dag pengene-tilbake-garanti

This course comes with an unconditional, Udemy backed, 30-dag pengene-tilbake-garanti. If you are dissatisfied with the course for any reason, simply request a refund and get your full purchase amount back, Send oss ​​en melding med en detaljert beskrivelse.

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