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Navneoppløsningsprosessen 1 Hour Guide to Dominate and Influence Conversations

Navneoppløsningsprosessen 1 Hour Guide to Dominate and Influence Conversations

Pris: $39.99

Do you ever feel that other people can TALK OVER you? Do you feel that people are controlling the conversation i stedet of you?

Do you want the ability to control every conversation you get into? Do you want the ability to redirect people when they are flying off the handle?

Do you want the ability to influence people and conversation?

Vi vil, if you do this is the course for you. We are going to discuss the different types of people, a step by step method to control conversations and then we are going to end with few tips to generate influence.

Dette kurset handler om you being in control of every conversation you get into.

Once you get the power to control conversations, you are never going to go back.

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