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77-728 Microsoft Excel-eksperteksamener og videoløsninger

77-728 Microsoft Excel-eksperteksamener og videoløsninger

Pris: $94.99

The purpose of this course is to provide you with three complete practice tests which are prepared at the level required to pass the 77-728 Microsoft Certification exam to become an Excel Expert.

Each practice exam is divided into five projects with a total of 26 tasks for each exam. Det er 15 prosjekter og 78 project tasks all geared towards the 77-728 eksamen.

Advice on preparation, how to approach the exam, what the interface will look like and which areas of the Objective Domain to focus on is provided.

Tips on issues you will encounter with particular questions types is also included.

The solutions to all of the practice projects are provided in the form of video lectures in which the instructor explains how to approach the project and how the solutions are derived.

If you can master the practice projects included in this course you will be confident in your abilities to master the 77-728 eksamen.

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