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Advanced UiPath Course- 5 Real time Projects by Amit & Minal

Advanced UiPath Course- 5 Real time Projects by Amit & Minal

Pris: $79.99

I dette kurset, there are step by step instructions to create 5 real time Projects.

This course contains Projects such as Fixed Deposit Creation, Kundeoppretting , Invoice Creation, Bank Know Your Customer Bot and Picture Analyzer Bot ( Fun Project ).

The objective of the course is to give learner enough experience on Real time projects , so that they can add this experience in their CV/Resume which can further help in their Job Prospects .

PrerequisiteLearners should have basic knowledge of UiPath , Preferably they should be UiPath Certified from Uipath Academy.

Remember this is an advanced course , so the focus is on real time based projects, not on basics..

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