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Pris: $109.99

Thank you for taking the time to view this course on how to build your own personal computer! I have been building my own computers for nearly 10 år nå, and it is both a valuable skill & extremely fun to do! Understanding the inner-workings of a computer will help you troubleshoot problems, build superior custom PC’s, save money selecting your own components, and elevate your technical skills!

If you work in an office or some other administrative job, chances are you spend most of your day using a computer. Faktisk, computers are typically the most used piece of equipment in both our personal & business lives. I have worked in corporations where administrators were often at the mercy of the IT department, because people in general know very little about how computers actually work. Så, learn how to build your very own personal computer today, and level up your technical skills!

*Oppdater 7/26/16* Complete Ubuntu Linux 16.04.1 LTS installation tutorial.

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