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C++ Programming By Example

C++ Programming By Example

Pris: $94.99

C++ is a flexible and generic language that offers a wide range of benefits with key strengths being software infrastructure and resource-constrained applications. This course is an introductory guide to C++ that will help you learn the language through multiple hands-on examples.

You’ll begin by diving into the C++ basics, syntaks, and generic programming features. We’ll then move on to using data structures and algorithms with C++. Neste, you’ll delve into the object-oriented features of C++ with another practical example.

Endelig, you’ll further enhance your C++ programming skills by creating multiple GUI, desktop applications using Qt5. Ved slutten av dette kurset, you will have gained knowledge of core programming concepts in C++, and how to implement them effectively.

About The Author

Alberto Ricardo Rodriguez has been a C++ Developer fan since more than 12 år. He has been working with a wide variety of C++ framework from Qt 3 to Qt 5.9, OpenGL, SDL and standards like C++98 to C++17 Standard. He has been developing from Desktop application to embedded applications, single threading apps to multi-threading applications. He has journeyed through a wide variety of companies, like Invap Se, Motorola Mobility, Intel Security, Globant SA, now working on Poland at Luxoft on navigation software for autonomous vehicles.Currently his main focus on Machine Learning and computer vision, and continually working on embedded devices for using this kind of technologies.

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