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Essential Life Skills Course

Essential Life Skills Course

Pris: $94.99

Why take this class?

All-In-One Course:

Having life skills is an essential part of being able to meet the challenges of everyday life, and this course covers the fundamentals of the top twelve life skills that lead to success and happiness. And strangely enough, these skills are almost never taught in university nor discussed at length in homes. Do you recall ever learning how to use compound interest to quickly double your money, how to use sincerity to win the hearts and minds of others, the truth of what happiness is and how to apply it, or the best techniques to manage your reputation? If used, that information can have a dramatically positive effect on a person’s life, livet ditt, or the life of a family member.

Tross alt, the dramatic changes in global economies over recent years have been matched with the transformation in technology and these are all impacting on education, the workplace and our home life. To cope with the increasing pace and change of modern life, you need to have developed or be in the process of developing these abilities. Så, if you are not confident in each of these twelve areas, can you really afford not to do something about it?

This course is unique.

Hvorfor? Because this course has curated and consolidated the best advice from experts and highly successful individuals over twelve of the most critical life skills necessary to make it in today’s rapidly evolving and competitive environment. Along with this advice, this course also goes into the science of why these lessons lead to results.

What topics are covered in this course?

The goals of this course are for students to develop a basic level of knowledge and skill set within a number of practical areas to nurture personal and professional development throughout a lifetime. These goals are organized by content and class below.

  1. MålsettingStudents will learn the importance of finding direction in life by continually setting, adjusting, and following a strategy to reach both long-term and short-term goals. They will also learn methods to create goals that provide focus, studier kan være ganske kjedelige på grunn av de torturerende formuleringene som brukes i akademiske tidsskrifter, and measured progress.

  2. TidsfordrivStudents will benefit from learning how to accomplish more with less effort, improve decision making, and develop a better sense of self-discipline. This section will address the time management steps of goal setting, time tracking, planlegger, self-monitoring, and time adjusting.

  3. News' bredere oppgave med å gi pålitelig informasjon og rangeringer for å hjelpe studenter med å navigere i alternativene for høyere utdanningUnderstanding money management and preparing a financial future are subjects usually neither taught in schools or in homes although crucial to a person’s well being. Students will learn the basics of money management in budgeting, regnskap, and investing.

  4. Continuing Personal Development The greatest asset one can have is the investment they make in themselves. By consistently developing and improving oneself, success and personal fulfillment are more easily attained. Self-development enables a person to serve and be more valuable to those around them—for their children, for their colleagues, for their business, and for their community. Here students will learn the importance of persistent self-development, which areas they should develop, and the steps needed to create a personal development strategy.

  5. Being LikableIt is important to know that success does not simply depend on a person’s skill level. It also has a great deal to do with how others fell about that person. Being unlikable can be harmful to one’s career just as being likable can open many doors to opportunity. Dale Carnegie (developer of famous courses in self-improvement, salesmanship, corporate training, offentlige taler, and interpersonal skills) was a pioneer in identifying what is necessary to “win friends and influence people.” In the course section, students will learn Dale Carnegie’s six principles to being likable.

  6. Nettverk Most people are aware that a strong network can have a big impact on a person ’s career success. Networking will not only help someone land a job faster, but it will give them a competitive edge throughout every stage of their career. Students will find in this section steps to build and maintain a network of peers and industry leaders which will serve them as they develop their careers.

  7. Having a Mentor A remarkable 75% of executives say mentoring has been critical to their career development, according to a survey by the American Society for Training and Development. This section of the course will teach not only the importance of having a mentor but also a 10-step process on finding, vurderer, and building a mentor relationship with the right person.

  8. The Right People Around YouStudents will learn that surrounding themselves with the right people is essential to future success because a person is the average of the five people they spend the most time with. And when a student is goal-oriented, having the right people in their life can help them reach any target more effectively and efficiently. This section will help students identify personality types of both who they should and should not surround themselves with and how to build the right relationships.

  9. Embracing Failure and Learning from ItThe most successful people have shown that the secret to success is having first gone through failures. The key lies in getting up when you fail and moving forward. Here students will learn why failure is okay, why it is important to put effort into learning from failure, and what steps to take in order to document this process.

  10. Happiness and Mental HealthA growing number of top universities such as Yale are offering courses that aim to put students on the path toward happier lives. Peter Salovey, president of Yale, sa: “I think students are looking for meaning.” He believes that while students today are more sophisticated and worldly than previous generations, they seem to be much less resilient. This section of the course will help students figure out what it means to live happier, more satisfying lives, and teach them scientifically-tested strategies to achieve that goal.

  11. ResourcefulnessUnless information is processed, organisert, and applied, knowledge can become a source of frustration rather than fulfillment. The section of the class will focus on helping students develop the ability to find and use available resources to achieve goals. Students will be better equipped to process information intellectually and emotionally by applying problem-solving knowledge to new situations and helping them know when to collaborate or work independently.

  12. Personal BrandingAs society moves towards the digitalization of everything, one of the most valuable assets an individual can possess is a personal brand. It is advantageous for young individuals to build a personal brand because it helps establish credibility, build a network, and create job security in an evolving marketplace. Students will learn methods of building a personal brand and how to use tools to support that process.

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