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Vaner mestring: Hvordan lage skuddsikre vaner!

Vaner mestring: Hvordan lage skuddsikre vaner!

Pris: $89.99

Vaner mestring: Hvordan lage skuddsikre vaner!

This course will help you establish solid habits both in life and work. På slutten av dette kurset, you will be able to establish:

Work habits like working on your most important projects, pitching new clients or writing
Health habits like eating healthier, exercising frequently or doing daily meditation practice
Habits for unpleasant tasks like cleaning your apartment, doing the paperwork for your business or answering e-mails consistently.
You already have many habits in your life that you are doing automatically, like for example brushing your teeth ot locking the apartment door when going out. And when you think about it, since you do these things automatically, they don’t really take that much willpower and energy from you.

På den andre siden, you need a lot of willpower and energy for tasks that you don’t do automatically yetespecially if they are not very pleasant.

Inside this course, I will show you how to achieve consistent progress in life by automating some of your behaviors and creating habits that actually stick.

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