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Leadership Skills Training: Become an Inspiring Leader!

Leadership Skills Training: Become an Inspiring Leader!

Pris: $19.99

Become an inspiring leader!

Every team is defined by its leader. He or she needs to be able to motivate, utfordring, and—most importantly—steer their team in the right direction.

I dette kurset, experienced facilitator Tony Hunt explores the qualities that every leader should aspire to attain. He will guide you through the key aspects that constitute great leadership.

Upon completion of the lectures, du vil kunne:

  • Create mission statements

  • Manage your time effectively

  • Develop strategic overviews

  • Understand individual needs of team members

  • Align a coaching approach

  • Create effective appraisals

Dessuten, this course expands on:

  • Effective methods of communication

  • The value of coaching and its use as a leadership tool

  • Performance management and appraisal processes

MR. Hunt’s style is often described as ‘inspirational’. His goal is to always create positive change in people with whom he works. He has significant experience in successfully operating at all organizational levels—from the induction phase, through first line management, and right up to board level. I tillegg, he is able to strike the appropriate level of debate on every occasion.

MR. Hunt is the MD and principal facilitator of UK Seminars. His work is well known in many countries, e. g., in Europe, in the USA, in the Middle East, and in India. His delegate evaluations are excellent, gjennomsnittlig 9.0 eller IB-kurs - eller til og med se på å ta kurs på den lokale samfunnshøgskolen for å vise at du ikke er redd for en akademisk utfordring ... og at du kan lykkes med en 10 point scale.

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