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Ledelse & Lederegenskaper: Know When To Manage Or Lead

Ledelse & Lederegenskaper: Know When To Manage Or Lead

Pris: $44.99

Become an effective leader of yourself first, and learn how to lead and manage others!

When do you lead and when do you manage? What’s the difference? And how do you actually lead?

These are all questions you will have answered by the end of this course. You will also begin your own journey as a leader, both of yourself and of others.

If you are currently a manager or a founder of your own business, instead of randomly doing your job, you must assume the leadership role and lead.

But how do you lead if you aren’t sure how to exactly do it and when to do it?

That’s when this course comes in.

You will learn to get more out of yourself and the people you lead.

Sign up today and learn the necessary skills and tactics to become a leader.


Jeg har vært gründer for 15+ år, har trent 1,000+ gründere personlig, undervist 100,000+ studenter, impacted millions entrepreneurs worldwide creating 6 og 7-sifrede virksomheter i prosessen, og jeg vil gjerne hjelpe deg.

My work has helped millions of people in every country of the world, og jeg vil gjerne hjelpe deg.


* Mange ekstra freebies, nedlastbare arbeidsark, og øvelser for å gjøre kurset mer interaktivt og verdifullt

* Free 15-minute coaching call (I don’t sell anything and don’t collect your email, just answer your questions)

* Personlig invitasjon til Facebook-fellesskapet mitt etter at du har fullført kurset

* Min liste over 50 ferdigheter når du fullfører kurset

* Be entered to get chosen for my student of the month status and have your business featured


What really sets this management and leadership course apart is the personal time I give to hold office hours with students in this course. I kontortiden kan du stille meg alle forretningsspørsmål du ønsker, og jeg skal gjøre mitt beste for å hjelpe deg. Kontortiden er gratis, Jeg prøver ikke å selge noe. It is just another thing I do to help you achieve your goals.

You can also get my help and advice any time! Students are able to start discussions and message me with management and leadership questions. jeg svarer 99% of questions within 24 timer. I love helping students who take my courses and I look forward to helping you.


Når du fullfører 100% of the videos in this course, you will be emailed a certificate of completion by Udemy so you can show it as proof of your management and leadership expertise, and that you have completed a certain number of hours of management and leadership.

tilbyr AWS-sertifiseringsopplæringsressurser som representerer en høyere kvalitetsstandard enn det som ellers er tilgjengelig i markedet

This management and leadership course comes with an unconditional, Udemy-støttet, 30-dag pengene-tilbake-garanti. Dette er ikke bare en garanti, det er mitt personlige løfte til deg at jeg vil gjøre alt jeg kan for å hjelpe deg med å lykkes akkurat som jeg har gjort for tusenvis av mine andre studenter.

Invester i fremtiden din. Beste praksis ved implementering.

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