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Microsoft Project 2016 Øvelsestest

Microsoft Project 2016 Øvelsestest

Pris: $29.99

Welcome to Microsoft Project 2016 practice Test, If you’re a Project Manager and you haven’t yet mastered Microsoft Project. This test will help you prepare for the Microsoft certification exam. With this test, you will be able to manage projects with the Microsoft Project tool. Whether your project is big or small, business or personal, there are so many many ways that Microsoft Project can ensure project success. Harness the power of MS Project 2019 and become a project master.

About Microsoft Project

MS Project is a specialized tool designed for the specific domain of project management. MS Project is a powerful application that helps you to plan and manage a wide range of projects from meeting crucial deadlines and budgets to selecting the right resources. You can be more productive and be able to realize better results just by using the set of features that MS Project can offer such as;

· To create plans at the level of detail that’s right for your project

· To work with summary data initially, or shift to a more detailed approach when it’s convenient

· To control what tasks Project can schedule

· To manage tasks, kostnader, arbeid, and resources at whatever level of detail is appropriate for your project’s needs.

· To work with your plan’s data in a variety of views and reports

· To track and manage your plan throughout the life of the project.

· To collaborate and share data with others in your organization using rich view and report formatting options

· To use resource pools, consolidated projects, and cross-project links to extend your project-management focus across multiple projects.

This practice test will be taken over the internet, Du har ikke lov til å bruke referansemateriale under sertifiseringstesten.

These questions will test your ability to use the Microsoft Project tool.

I tillegg, the practice questions will help you prepare for the Microsoft 74-343 Sertifiseringseksamen.

Who this practice test is for:

  • Users new to Microsoft Project 2016 and those upgrading from previous software versions

  • Anyone new to the project management role

  • New project managers

  • Anyone who wants to pass the Microsoft 74-343 Sertifiseringseksamen.

  • Project Managers and other business professionals who are familiar with Microsoft Project 2013

  • Experienced Project Managers or those who are familiar with MS Project 2016 eller 2013

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