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MikroTik brukeradministrasjonsingeniør med LABS

MikroTik brukeradministrasjonsingeniør med LABS

Pris: $19.99

***Dette kurset er ikke officially sponsored by MikroTik and not an authorized course by MikroTik. We are neither affiliated with nor endorsed by MikroTik. We respect the Trademarks of the mentioned company and institution.***

MikroTik User Management is a very demanding topic in the networking industry especially if you work on MikroTik products.

I have designed this course to help you understand all topics that comes inside the User Management and to make you ready for the MikroTik MTCUME exam.

In this course I am going to go in details about the User Management topics and will apply real LABS to show you step-by-step how you can do the configuration.

Topics that are going to be explained are:

  • PPPoE theroy and configuration

  • PPTP Tunnel Protocol

  • L2TP Tunnel Protocol

  • EOIP Tunnel Protocol

  • IPSEC IKEv1 and IKEv2 in details

  • MikroTik Hotspot in details

By end of this course, you will have a complete understanding of all those topics and you will be ready for the MikroTik MTCUME exam.

Hvis du vil I The Launching Pad vil du a MikroTik User Management Professional, it is your chance now to grab my course and make your dream comes true.

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