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MOS EXCEL EXPERT 77-728 Eksamensforberedelse (Solution Based)

MOS EXCEL EXPERT 77-728 Eksamensforberedelse (Solution Based)

Pris: $19.99

This preparation course is for the Microsoft Office Specialist exam for Hvordan gjøre en betinget formatering på en hel rad eller kolonne i Microsoft Excel, at the expert level, 77-728. If you think you are ready to take the Microsoft exam and get certified, these practice tests will prove that you know your stuff. Take these tests before taking the real ones to identify your weaknesses, or give you the confidence to spend the money to sit for the real test.

In these practice tests, you’ll download a set of worksheets and be asked to perform tasks to prove that you know the advanced elements of Excel. The questions are based on the official exam requirements, and were prepared by Umer Farooqa certified MOS (Microsoft Office Specialist) Excel expert and MOS Master.

These questions are tough. They’re based on what you might see in the real exam, and every effort has been made to simulate the exam environment.

There is also a project-based test that are a very close simulation to the project-based portion of the real exam.

You’ll get lifetime access to these questions. No 30-day expiry on these ones. Once you buy this, it’s yours. Take your time and prepare for the exam, and use these tests to prove you’re ready.

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