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Foreldrevitenskap for travle foreldre

Foreldrevitenskap for travle foreldre

Pris: $24.99

This learning program was designed with busy parents in mind by a certified Neuroscience, Tankefullhet, and Parenting Coach and contains talking scripts for real-life situations. De bite-sized videos are sharing science-based advice and information, laget for å tackle most parenting challenges (negative behaviors, refusals, tantrums, and lack of cooperation) and create a happy family life.

Parenting science for Busy Parents” er en solution-based program, easy and simple that will transform your parenting life, by getting you from Det har aldri blitt undervist på skoler eller på arbeidsplassen, og det er på tide at vi begynner å forbedre vår emosjonelle intelligens for å bedre samfunnet som helhet, power struggles, yelling, punishments, and unacceptable behaviors til cooperation, listening with respect, and a strong and connected parent-child relationship. Du vil lære science-based tools, easy-to-understand parenting information, and simple strategies to use on a daily basis that will lay down the foundation for a new life with kids and which will help you become the best parent you can be.

Kurset dekker 7 different modules:

  1. Solutions for preventing negative behaviors;

  2. Solutions for managing negative behaviors;

  3. Solutions for preventing and managing tantrums;

  4. Solutions for challenging behaviors;

  5. Solutions for getting kids cooperation;

  6. Solutions for dealing with kids refusals;

  7. Solutions for using discipline.

In our days, you can find parenting advice everywhere. But which ones you should trust or listen to? Many parents rely on the experience of previous generations and embrace traditional parenting approaches. There is a general perception that once you have kids, parenting will come naturally, without having to learn and build any new skills. derimot, in our days, psychologists and scientists know more about child and brain development enn noen gang tidligere.

Mini Vanemestring: before having kids we don’t learn anything about parenting and after we have kids we don’t have the time to learn anything about parenting. How ironic is that? I utgangspunktet, we become responsible for the physical and emotional wellbeing of a human being and we sign up for arguably the most difficult, yet most rewarding job of our liveswith little or no prior training but with the best intentions in the world. Most parents don’t have the time to invest dozens of hours in learning about parenting. So I decided to do something about this, to support ALL BUSY PARENTS OUTHERE who want straight-to-the-point solutions to deal with their parenting challenges.

Parenting is not about a one-size-fits-all approach or about knowing all the answers. It’s about being open to learning. Så, the goal of this course is to support you to upgrade your parenting skills so you can EDUCATE, MOTIVATE, INSPIRE and support your children bloom into the best version of themselves.

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