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Reinvent Your Career

Reinvent Your Career

Pris: $94.99

Would you like to make changes to your current career or find a new career but don’t know what that might look like or how to get started? Deretter, our Reinvent Your Career course will guide you through a comprehensive journey of taking stock of where you are now, clarifying your vision for your future career, deciding what you want and then planning how to get there.

The content of this course is based on our many yearscombined experience in career development coaching and the latest research in psychology and personal development. The course has 17 sequential modules, each of which has a video-based lecture to explain the topic and a worksheet downloadable as a PDF for you to work through an activity on your own at a pace and timing that suits you. We’ve included a range of interesting and engaging activities, such as self-analyses, guided meditations, lesning, educational video clips and TED Talkssomething to suit all learning styles. There is a total of 80 minutes in video lectures, 15 hours of practical activities and another 55 minutes in educational video clips.

When we spend so much of our waking time at work, we owe it to ourselves to use that time well. If you’re a mid-career professional who would love to get the career satisfaction, success and fulfilment you’ve always wanted, and make the most of your inherent strengths and skills, da er dette kurset for deg.

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