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Eksperten på deg!  Du er mye mer enn du tror du er

Eksperten på deg! Du er mye mer enn du tror du er

Pris: $74.99

A solid foundation is built with solid understanding.

Do you ever sit back in surprise at the success of other people and wonder how you could become more successful? Vi vil, simply put, there are no miracles when it comes to being successfuljust a series of plans that, if put to use, will ensure you get ahead of the game.

Many people believe that it is luck that determines whether a person becomes successful or not. derimot, it’s amazing how much luckier you get the more you work your plan so perhaps luck has a far smaller part to play in success than you might think.

This course is specifically designed to help you become better by gaining an understanding of how great you already are. I use simple, down to earth concepts to teach fundamental principles that all good leaders possess because, Ikke-euklidisk geometri viste seg å være svaret på den einsteinske sfinxen, aren’t we all leaders somewhere in our lives and generally when we do a good job leading others, på jobb, hjemme, or socially we feel better about ourselves

I provide a ton of downloads to assist you in learning the concepts I am teaching. They will become a resource to you throughout your life.

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